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A person with ADHD has the power of a Ferrari engine but with bicycle-strength brakes

Strengthening one's brakes is the name of the game

Hallowell & Hatey (ADHD 2.0)

ADHD Coaching Options

Hallowell & Hatey (ADHD 2.0)

Knowledge is power

If you know who you are,
it becomes easier
to like who you are


I am confident that, after initial contact, regular coaching will deliver positive results and long-lasting change. 
Every paid session comes with a no question, money-back guarantee


Initial contact session

30 minute one-off initial introduction session

This is essential before beginning any package and is free of charge

A purely introductory meeting. 
No coaching will take place in this session. 
The coach will have the opportunity to get to know a little about the client and their main goals, while the client will get to know a bit more about how the coach works.


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Extended introduction for undiagnosed clients

2 hr session on zoom

Using official detailed ADHD diagnostic questionnaire, I will conduct the detail diagnostic and offer the feedback from the results. 
I will assess if I feel my coaching will be of benefit to you.  I will explain key symptoms and comorbidities of the condition.

Following this session, I will send you a summary of the session and my notes on your responses to the diagnostic questions.

If coaching is recommended, you will not need to have the Initial Contact Session before booking a Coaching block.

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1-2-1 Coaching Package (8 weeks)

8 week package
Weekly 1 hr Coaching session on Zoom
[8th session is always a review of progress]

This is the recommended package for most most coaching clients.

The regular weekly coach-client meetings yield the greatest results over a two month period. 


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1-2-1 Coaching Package (4 weeks)

4 week package
Weekly 1hr Coaching session on Zoom

The 8 week package is recommended as the standard block for the client.  But if you feel a need to dip your toe before commiting to the longer programme, then this shorter package is ideal.

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